Super Deal Pro Heat Press Machine 12X10-Inch For T-Shirts

  • Swing-Away Feature
  • Manual Open & Close Handle
  • Transfers Letters, Numbers & Images
  • Work More Freely on Garments

Super Deal Pro Heat Press Machine 12X10-Inch For T-Shirts

Desirability 89%
Quality 98%
Durability 90%


There will be no middle ground for quality, you buy what you see, and the Super Deal pro Heat Press will take care of the quality for you.

As there are no compromises on quality the price of this sublimation machine is incredibly inexpensive which alone can be a good reason to buy it. This heat press machine is desired by most of the small business owners and people who are looking forward to starting a new one because of its affordable price.

Let us dig deeper into its uniqueness, as you know the upper platen is moveable which means you can quickly drive it away from the base which leaves an open place to adjust your item, by moveable I mean it can rotate in 360 degrees which is not required but still it is an extra feature. Hiring new workers for the heat press job is not as problematic as you think because you don’t have to arrange any private classes or lessons for this type of machine, though a little knowledge is definitely required. So, necessary information about how much heat and pressure is needed for each article is a must.

Super Deal Pro Heat Press Machine

Super deal pro Heat Press features a 12 x 10 Teflon platen, which is not usually found in this price range. It means the surface is non-stick and you don’t have to be anxious about accidentally overheating the item. It contains a digital LCD timer on which you can set the temperature, pressure, and timer. Except overheating by rising temperature, there is no other way of burning your item because after reaching the time limit, the machine will stop heating the material.

For t-shirt printing lovers we have Cricut EasyPress Machine.

Features of Super Deal Pro Heat Press Machine

1. Inexpensive

There are many heat press machines that meet the price of this machine or are cheaper than Super Deal Pro Heat Press but what makes it a better choice than others is the production quality. Not all the devices possess the same features as Super Deal Pro which is why it is one of a kind. If you think you are not going to get good results in this price range, no doubt there are a few heat press machines out there which don’t deliver what they promise but it doesn’t mean all of them are similar.

2. Safety and Portability

Another great thing about this heat transfer printing machine is it won’t damage your shirt in any way. You can press the shirt without worrying about any cold spots, because of its moving upper platen which can be easily swayed upon reaching the time lift. It is ideal for starting a new business because of its clamshell style you don’t have to be too much careful about lifting and moving the heated platen.

3. Controllable Temperature

It has a built-in alarm which will sound when the timer ends. The temperature is set in Fahrenheit so you can easily adjust the heat for your material without converting Celsius degrees. The temperature of the heat press can reach up to 399F so be careful when dealing with high temperatures and avoid placing it on a wooden floor or object.

It is time for you to give a surprise to companies or clients with your awesomeness at work.

4. Transfer anything

This is the machine you always wanted, a heat press machine that can transfer anything you want on a fabric. Super deal pro Heat Press can transfer pretty much everything. It can transfer number, letters, images on to T-shirt, ceramic tiles, cotton, metal, glass, so don’t forget your gifts to leave without a surprise.

5. Quality

You will get the kind of quality you want, as it is recommended for the beginner as well so you can play with different designs and learn to transfer them onto a piece of cloth. It no doubt takes a little time to learn about all the fabrics and their qualities. After which you need to adjust temperature and pressure for them because without it you won’t be able to transfer what you want. The reason is temperature, and it should meet the requirement otherwise everything will go in vain.

Customers’ Verdict

According to customers, this machine served them more than its cost. Highly recommended to those who have a low budget and want to start a business on a small scale. As not all machines in this price range come with an LCD, Super Deal Pro Heat Press is loved by customers because of so much in so less. It is highly durable and will last long until you use a hammer or drop it from a good height, which is never going to happen.


What makes it unique is the style and applying heat to the shirt. The pressure can be adjusted which means there will be no extra heat or scorching transfers to deal with. What you can do with this cheap heat press machine well, pretty much everything, starting from t-shirts, fiber to glass, ceramic, metal, etc. you can use this machine for more significant projects as well but try not to get a limited amount of time. You find out how many heat prints can you produce in one day before signing up for a deal. If you are efficient and have knowledge about what you are dealing with, then it might take an hour to produce more than 25 shirts.

This power press or heat press machine can assure you transferring of letters, numbers, images, etc. on pretty much everything with a plain surface or stuff that can be molded like bags, mouse mats all sort of garments.Yes you will find our reviews very much useful and and accurate.

So, newbies can buy it to learn it, the reason is, it is adjustable and affordable plus most of the machines possess the same components as this one does. The only difference is the quality of the transfer. So, if you want to learn heat pressing, then this is the machine you should go for especially if you are someone who has a group, a team, employees you want to wear a shirt with the company’s logo

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